
I was so hoping to be able to see an air show this summer. Just found out that their will not be one here this year, so I will have to travel to see one or wait and see if they have one here next year. Untill then I will just have to look at the few videos that I have from the show in 2015.

TABLE ROCK DAM 4-30-2011


I took this video at Table Rock Dam in Branson, Missouri on 4/30/2011 showing all the flood gates open. It was releasing 68,000 cubic feet of water per second . The lake had crested earlier in the week at a little over 935 feet and corps of engineers needed to get the lake down to 930 feet before they could decrease the flow of the water. Just 24 hours after this video was taken the lake was down to the needed 930 feet and only 5 of the gates were partally open.



Now I did it, I am not one to make New Year resolutions because like most people, I never keep them. But this year I have went out and made a commitment to myself to make a change in my life. That change is to diet and lose weight and get in shape, so I have went out and joined an exercise club.

I had been seeing signs for the last few years and been ignoring them, thinking everything will be fine or work themselves out. But as time goes by slowly you see that things won’t be fine until you change or fix them.

For me the signs have been visible in different ways. From the doctor telling me to lose weight, to my bones aching more and more each day, to certain body parts getting jiggly, to my clothes shrinking every time I wash them. The icing on the cake was when I saw a guy that I told myself, I would never be that big. Then looked in the mirror and realized I had become that guy.

So I have joined a gym and so far have been very committed to the goal of losing weight. I have changed how I eat and what I eat, eating more healthy foods. I have set my goal of losing 70 lbs. by the end of the year.

 I am planning a trip this summer down south and hope to be about 25 to 30 lbs. lighter by then. I figure if I give my self-goals to achieve thru the year it will make my ultimate goal easier to achieve.